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Home » Major Tourist Attractions » Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia

Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia

Famous as the best contemporary art museum of the world, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia was inaugurated in the year 1992 on September 10 by the Royal Highness King Juan Carlos and Queen Sophia. The officially known national museum of Spain forms part of the Golden Triangle of Art that comprises of Passeo del Pardo and Museo del Pardo in the capital of Spain, Madrid. The Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia has excellent collections of works of Spain's two greatest 20th-century art masters Pablo Picasso and Salvador Dali. The best exhibit of the museum is the famous painting of Picasso called Guemica. Apart from that, the museum has extensive collection of works of such artists as Juan Gris, Joan Mir�, Julio Gonz�lez, Eduardo Chillida, Pablo Palazuelo, Antoni T�pies, Pablo Gargallo, Lucio Mu�oz, Luis Gordillo, Jorge Oteiza, Jos� Luis Guti�rrez Solana and many other renowned artists. The museum consist two floors, second and fourth. The second floor is the house of the paintings of artists of early 20th-century till the end of World War II, 1939; the fourth floor is the house of contemporary paintings from 1939 till date.

The second floor paintings include:

ANGLADA CAMARASA (Hermenegildo Anglada-Camarasa). Barcelona 1871-Pollensa 1959
NONELL (Isidro Nonell). Barcelona 1873-Barcelona 1911
SOLANA (Jos� Gutierrez Solana). Madrid 1886-Madrid 1945
DELAUNAY (Sonia Delaunay). Gradsihsk 1885-Par�s 1979
LIPCHITZ (Jacques Lipchitz). Lithuania 1891-Capri 1973
JUAN GRIS (Jos� Victoriano Gonz�lez). Madrid 1887-Boulogne-sur-Seine 1927
PABLO GARGALLO (Pablo Gargallo). Maella 1881-Reus 1934
PICASSO (Pablo Ruiz Picasso). M�laga 1881-Mougins 1973
MIR� (Joan Mir�). Barcelona 1893-Palma de Mallorca 1983
JULIO GONZ�LEZ (Julio Gonz�lez). Barcelona 1876-Palma de Mallorca 1942
CALDER (Alexander Calder). Lawton 1898-New York 1976
ARP (Jean Arp). Strasbourg 1886-Balse 1966
DAL� (Salvador Dal�). Figueras 1904-Figueras 1989
MAN RAY (Man Ray). Philadelphia 1890-Par�s 1978
DOM�NGUEZ (Oscar Dom�nguez). La Laguna 1906-Par�s 1957
BU�UEL (Luis Bu�uel). Calanda 1900-Mexico 1983
MALLO (Maruja Mallo). Pontevedra 1902-Madrid 1995
PONCE DE LE�N (Alfonso Ponce de Le�n). M�laga 1900-Madrid 1936
LUIS FERN�NDEZ(Luis Fern�ndez). Oviedo 1900-Par�s 1973
S�NCHEZ (Alberto S�nchez). Toledo 1895-Mosc� 1962
BENJAM�N PALENCIA (Benjam�n Palencia). Borrax1894-Madrid 1909
FERRANT (Angel Ferrant). Madrid 1890-Madrid 1961

The fourth floor paintings include:

CANEJA (Juan Manuel D�az Caneja). Palencia 1905-Madrid 1988
T�PIES (Antoni T�pies). Barcelona 1923
OTEIZA (Jorge de Oteiza). Guip�zcua 1908
MONP� (Manuel Hern�ndez Monp�). Valencia 1927-Madrid 1992
GUERRERO (Jos� Gerrrero). Granada 1914 1927-Barcelona 1991
VICENTE (Estaban Vicente). Tur�gano 1903
EQUIPO 57 (Jos� Cuenca) Puente Genil 1934, (Angel Duarte) Aldeanueva del Camino 1930
PALAZUELO (Pablo Palazuelo). Madrid 1916
BACON (Francis Bacon). Dubl�n 1909-Madrid 1992
KLEIN (Ives Klein). Niza 1928-Par�s 1962
FONTANA (Lucio Fontana). Rosario de Sta. F� 1899-Comabbio 1968
MILLARES (Manuel Millares). Las Palmas de G. Canaria 1926-Madrid 1972
SAURA (Antonio). Huesca 1930
DUBUFFET (Jean Dubuffet). Le Havre 1901-Par�s 1985
L�PEZ GARC�A (Antonio L�pez Garc�a). Tomelloso 1936
CHILLIDA (Eduardo Chillida). San Sebastian 1924
MERZ (Mario Merz). Mil�n 1925
EQUIPO CR�NICA (Rafael Solves) Valencia 1940-Valencia 1981 y (Manuel Vald�s) Valencia 1942.
ARROYO (Eduardo Arroyo). MAdrid 1937
GORDILLO (Luis Gordillo). Sevilla 1934
KELLY (Ellsworth Kelly). Newburgh 1923
JUDD (Donald Judd). Excelsior Spring 1928-New York 1994
SOTO (Jes�s Rafael Soto). Bol�var 1923
GRUPO ZAJ (Juan Hidalgo). Las Palmas de G. Canaria 1923, (Walter Marchetti) Italia 1931, (Esther Ferrer) San Sebastian 1937 y (Jos� Luis Castillejo) Sevilla 1932.

Major Tourist Attractions in Madrid
Plaza Mayor
Plaza de Toros de Las Venta
El Cas�n
Museo Arqueologico Nacional
Museo del Prado
Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia
Real Monasterio de las Descalzas Reales
Palacio Real
Jardin Botanico