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Home » Shopping Malls and Centers in Spain » Bulevard Rosa

Bulevard Rosa

If you want to warm up your holidays with a warm whiff of the Mediterranean this year then plan a holiday trip to Barcelona. The city of Spain situated close to the warm Mediterranean sun can brighten up your holidays beautifully. And if you want a nice shopping experience in Barcelona then visit the Bulevard Rosa, a hi-flying Barcelona shopping mall.

Bulevard Rosa is situated in the nerve center of the shopping area of Barcelona. Located in Eixample it thrives with the heartbeat of Barcelona.Bulevard Roas is accessible from four chief streets of Barcelona, Arago 259, Rambla Catalunya 66, Valencia 266 and Paseo de Gracia 55-57 and 51 and 53. You can easily access the shopping center by tube.

Bulevard Rosa remains open from Monday to Saturday from 10:30 to 21:00. The kiosk and the restaurant open at 09:00.

There are more than 100 shops in Bulevard Rosa offering a la carte fashion goods and other services and products. There are a wide range of brands you will get in the shopping mall and it is a sanctuary of fashion in Barcelona. It displays diversity in its collection ranging from classy classic to chic modish products.

Coronel Tapioca,Punt I Mes,Tomatoes Fritos, Cala, Selvatgi, Kalma, Texa I Punt, Guille, Templo, T-Zeta, Mit Mat, Timberland, Nice Day, Proa, Les Enfants Terribles, Tu Tarzan Yo Jane, Puente Aereo, GM Barcelona, Nuria Aymerich are some of the fashion stops in Bulevard Rosa.

For a delightful gastronomic experience visit the restaurants and the bars of the shopping center. Bule Bar El Jardi, Cajero Caixa Catalunya, Mister Minit, Marcel and Retoucherie de Manuela are the eateries and bars in Bulevard Rosa.

To pamper your body and mind visit the health and beauty centers here. Regia and Delirium will refresh your body and rejuvenate your mind beautifully.

For gifts and home d�cor visit Bath Time, Temlo, Lisboa-BCN, Items D'HO and Casa Claramunt.

For breathtaking jewelry visit Folli Follie, Joiell Atelier, MN Joies, Ambros, Ona Joia and Bernat Rubi.

For beautiful accessories visit Nuvo,Kukuxumusu, Kitty Sanrio, El Taller, La Peineta, Singular, Digital Factory and other shops.

Bulevard Rosa is one shopping mall in Barcelona which sketches your experience with completeness.

Shopping Malls and Centers in Spain
Maremagnum Shopping Center
La Maquinista
Barcelona Glories
Bulevard Rosa
El Corte Ingles
Centro Comercial ABC
Galerias del Prado
Madrid Fusion Centro de Moda
Mercado Puerta de Toledo
Sexta Avenida
Plaza Norte 2