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Home » Shopping Malls and Centers in Spain » Centro Commercial ABC

Centro Commercial ABC

If you want to spend this vacation in a unique way then visit Spain, the country of tango and bullfights and other wonders. Spain is a wonder house of natural beauty, historical magnificence and urbanism. Madrid, the capital city of Spain is a gorgeous city. Along with wonders of Madrid explore the lush shopping malls of Madrid. Centro Commercial ABC is one really nice shopping mall in Madrid.

Centro Commercial ABC shopping center is located between Castilian and the Mountain Street. The shopping mall in Madrid is easily accessible by cars and buses. Buses number 150, 74, 51,45,27,19,14,9 and 5 go to Centro Commercial ABC.

There are many prestigious gifts, fashion, and other shops in this shopping mall. There are 80 stores in Centro Commercial ABC replete with different goods of international and national companies.

This modern commercial center in Madrid boasts of a rich architectural history. There are three buildings of great architectural beauty, one is Serrano constructed by Lopez de Salaverry, another constructed by Anibal Gonzales is the Stroll of the Castilian and the last building was comnstructed by Anasagasti.

Centro Commercial ABC is owned by Reyal Urbis. The area of constructed surface of Centro Commercial ABC is 31,000 m2 and the commercial surface is 19,000 m2. The parking space is 400.

Centro Commercial ABC was established in 1995, October. The shopping mall is open from 10:00 to 21:00 from Monday to Saturday. On Sundays it is open from 12:00 to 20:00.

Some of the chief brands you will get in Cemtro Commercial ABC are Zara, Moss,Swatch, Bang & Olufsen, Boch, Natura, Imaginarium and others. There is Pedro Larumbe Restaurants and tea and coffee shops in the shopping mall.

With wide options Centro Commercial ABC is a shopping center prepared to make your shopping a memorable experience.

Alaong with shopping visit the tourist attractions of Madrid. Visit the Prado Musem, Reina Sofia Museum, Naval Museum, Casa-Museo Manuel Benedito and other wondesr of the city.

Shopping Malls and Centers in Spain
Maremagnum Shopping Center
La Maquinista
Barcelona Glories
Bulevard Rosa
El Corte Ingles
Centro Comercial ABC
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Madrid Fusion Centro de Moda
Mercado Puerta de Toledo
Sexta Avenida
Plaza Norte 2